Carefree in a sentence as an adjective

7 years ago I was young, carefree, and had a lot of free time.

Our culture has really become too carefree about showing off sex toys - but only for women, it seems.

This man must either have forgotten large parts of his own childhood, or have had an unusually carefree one.

Not that that's a good thing, just that being this open and carefree about it will probably come to bite them in the *** later.

Heck, even for very large projects sometimes the accounting was unbelievably carefree.

Why is this not a better alternative?It's not a better alternative because many of the best developers in Silicon Valley don't disagree with me. There are many reasons for this -- not everyone is a carefree recent college grad, and many people can't afford the luxury of taking the time off to do something like this.

Totally oblivious or carefree to the fact the subject matter may have actually noticed them photographing them, I wonder how that makes them feel?This situation feels associated to me. I just don't understand how anyone can be comfortable just snapping a picture of someone to immediately upload on the internet to share with people in a negative way.

I suspect that a large chunk of HN's lurkers are thwarted engineers, who got recruited out of college by IBs and are trapped in the world of finance by their bloated compensation packages, now living the carefree life of the programmer vicariously by hanging around here.

" questions, people just want a CA that gives them free certs, as many as they like, as often as they like--possibly through an API, even--with no background checks needed, and yet somehow also still protects them from an attacker using exactly the same kind of carefree CA to generate a cert for the same domain.

Carefree definitions


free of trouble and worry and care; "the carefree joys of childhood"; "carefree millionaires, untroubled financially"

See also: unworried


cheerfully irresponsible; "carefree with his money"; "freewheeling urban youths"; "had a harum-scarum youth"

See also: devil-may-care freewheeling happy-go-lucky harum-scarum slaphappy