Caption in a sentence as a noun

They should just put a caption in a darkened, translucent region.

I can take a picture of anyone and they would have said whatever I put on the caption.

He shows the iPhone with the full NYT homepage and has the caption "Um, are you frisking kidding me?".

I know it's to make the caption more readable, but I want to look at the caption and the picture at the same time.

My favorite caption:"Because it's there" is more poetic than, "I'm rich enough that my goals are arbitrary.

I'm print this out in large type on 11x17 paper, framing it, and hanging it in our office hallway with the caption: "Never sound like this.

Caption in a sentence as a verb

It's in the title of the submission, the title of the linked post, the caption under the video, and if followed through to YouTube, the video description. :P

I don't need to have someone caption the image for me to understand the broad range of situations to which the caption "jump" applies.

That evening, a North Korean newspaper editor was put in the awkward situation of writing a caption for that picture to go in the paper.

Well, for one thing, I never agreed to be in an ad campaign for Coke. Maybe I don't even like Coke. Maybe MY caption was something like "Ugh, out of Pepsi".For another thing, generally, when you appear in an advertisement for a product, you get paid.

It is an utterly bizarre experience seeing screenshots of these events, where, say, a teenaged girl is playing a game in her parent's kitchen with a webcam trained on her, the caption is something like, "wow, $person just donated $20,000 to me!

That's a great oath: Bypassing ethics completely, and swearing devotion to technical quality and not disturbing the porfessional social order, it underscores, bolds and italicizes TFA, which is nicely summarized in the caption under the picture which comes before any of its text:"Engineering ethics are mostly technical: how to design properly, how to not cut corners, and how to serve our clients well.

Caption definitions


taking exception; especially a quibble based on a captious argument; "a mere caption unworthy of a reply"


translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen

See also: subtitle


brief description accompanying an illustration

See also: legend


provide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing