Candidly in a sentence as an adverb

I think, candidly, you'd not decline it if it were offered to you. But you don't have it.

This is where something like YC can help, actually; we can tell people candidly whether we think it's the investors who are wrong, or the startup.

Oh, and it candidly considers that Facebook, or any other person to whom it sells the data, won't do anything nasty with it. Just serving ads might be okay.

A polite lady candidly told me that I clearly hadn't proof read my CV because in the third paragraph it read 'I am a smelly ****' randomly in the text. Presumably a prank gone wrong.

Instead of reveling in whatever success his startup has had, he's candidly looking forward to learn what he needs to grow his business.

It's a sign of strength in a company when the CEO can talk candidly about problems like this. Every company has problems, most worse than this, but they rarely talk about them except in the blandest, most evasive way.

I find it pretty refreshing to have someone candidly discuss their failed ambitions. The selection bias of insanely successful startups on HN can lead to a skewed perception of actual success rates.

I know other people have already shared a similar opinion but I'd like to candidly provide my own in the event a beginner, intermediate, or even aspiring programmer happens to read this. I often teach programming.

I have had many private conversations with researchers who will candidly say that the long-term goal of their work is lifespan extension or cognitive enhancement. Yet, for the purposes of grant and paper-writing, you'd never write such a thing; it would sound too speculative.

This is, candidly, madness." [6] Since then, things have changed slightly - UAC under Windows, for instance, means applications now only have the ability to steal and hold your highly valuable and personal documents for ransom, but hey at least these sneaky trojans don't have admin rights!

And, candidly, I charge kind of a lot. Being compensated for my speaking, consulting, and professional writing work is how I’m able to feed and clothe my family as well as fund my lavish, meth-driven, West Coast lifestyle of fast cars, fancy English butlers, and the jet packs that will not be available to normal people like you for years.

That said though, when you approach people candidly looking for feedback on a project you're personally invested in, people seemed pretty generous with their time. We ended up getting great feedback on everything from the usability of our website, to the desirability of our product and pricing.

Candidly definitions


(used as intensives reflecting the speaker's attitude) it is sincerely the case that; "honestly, I don't believe it"; "candidly, I think she doesn't have a conscience"; "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

See also: honestly frankly