Candela in a sentence as a noun

The candela is based on Watts, but weighted to adjust for human perception.

In modern terms, the items stolen amounted to about 800 hours of a one-candela light source.

"Followed by:"And the luminosity of light, or candela, is measured in terms of power, designated in watts, or joules per second.

"In fact, of the seven fundamental metric units — the kilogram, meter, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela — only the kilogram is still dependent on a physical artifact.

"I'm not an SI expert, but Wikipedia suggests the candela is in fact an SI base unit with a definition based on physical phenomenon of the universe, so the second sentence seems erroneous.

Candela definitions


the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin

See also: candle