Camphor in a sentence as a noun

Like put something other than camphor in that stuff! A little lemon verbena...

Looks like the essential oil is ~30% camphor. Could it become an industrial precursor for sunscreen?

Similarly, foot pain relievers often have camphor or menthol in them. These are both proven anesthetics.

But before that, it was the first kind of plastic invented -- nitrocellulose plasticized with camphor. Nitrocellulose is also known as gun cotton; it's literally explosive.

"Just as an example, go read the Wikipedia pages and some assorted Googled info on what was listed in the article: nutmeg, ginger, “Bakul” tree, camphor, cinnamon, turmeric, Indian banyan, black pepper, long pepper, Neem and clove." Actually, there's a shortcut - just read about aspirin.

Just as an example, go read the Wikipedia pages and some assorted Googled info on what was listed in the article: nutmeg, ginger, “Bakul” tree, camphor, cinnamon, turmeric, Indian banyan, black pepper, long pepper, Neem and clove.

Kitman writes that Midgley himself said he tried any substance he could find in the search for an antiknock, “from melted butter and camphor to ethyl acetate and aluminum chloride.” The most compelling option was actually ethanol.

Camphor definitions


a resin obtained from the camphor tree; used in making celluloid and liniment