Calorific in a sentence as an adjective

But I wouldn't be surprised if I come to use it for 30% of my calorific intake.

You can also set cooking times, eg "less than 15 mins"; and set calorific values, eg "less than 300cal".

Gain or loss in weight is related purely to calorific intake, nothing to do with whether what you eat is good for you.

Could you share any links regarding studies that suggest drinking water with food increases calorific intake?

It seems that many common foods are mislabeled since they are using older forms of calorific calculation that don't include fibre.

Restaurants are far more egregious in terms of being calorific as well as highly variable and prepackaged food usually isn't that good for you.

Even the simple process of drinking water with food will increase your calorific uptake, just ask any dairy farmer; they give water with dry feed for that reason.

Precision and discipline wrt daily calories, with some trial and error to figure out what your individual daily calorific need is.

Even though wheat-based foods aren't inherently much more calorific than others, I have found that my net caloric intake has been reduced by avoiding wheat-based foods.

At the 32 mark, they said travel was out of the question because the calorific/time effort required to move that distance to get to a bus station would have curtailed other equally important activities.

As far as Tibetan Buddhists go, nearly every culture that lives in cold conditions consumes meat in one form or another; I used to think this might be because the calorific content of meat is higher?

Calorific definitions


heat-generating; "the calorific properties of fuels"