Calender in a sentence as a noun

Had to check my calender to see if it was April fool's day.

Or It will just merge with existing events in Google calender?

A recurring calender reminder will do... They do have thrift stores in the US as far as i know right?

However, too bad that on scrolling you set a "position:fixed;" style on the map/calender part.

I am setting an alert in my calender 5 years from now with the text of this article and the author's email address.

Pro tip: A calender passes the spelling checker, but is a machine in which cloth or paper is pressed between rolls until smooth.

It got a bit better again, they dropped the top menu for calender, drive, plus etc into a non-modal popup.

On my netbook screen, I can only see the first row of days on the calender, and because of position:fixed, I can't scroll down to see the rest.

Calender in a sentence as a verb

The OEM had roll a custom OS and kernel to handle their hardware and replace/update the mail and calender app because they are very tied to Google by default.

For an individuals it's overkill buy at work we use something like this :* We use Google/Gmail only for mail hosting, not for calender or cloud storage.

Its all the things we make fun of, like the word a day calender your friend owns and everyday uses an archaic word in an ill-fitting way to never use it again.

\n\nIf you rely on your calendar, it's simpler to create an entry in your calender for changing the certificate a few days prior to its expiration date.

I use my phone A LOT: text, email, twitter, fb, linkedin, lal, bloomberg, fxtrade, google voice, skype, and calender on a daily basis... and it's organized in patterns, so it minimizes browsing time.

For starters Google could of kept compatibility with the activesync protocol instead of making calender sync with outlook the horrific monster it is today.

And I do like iterations in the sense of "produce a deliverable product every N weeks" for keeping you from wandering too far down the wrong path, though from what I've seen one of the most popular things to do with agile is just break your calender up by "iterations" then keep doing the same thing you did before.

Calender definitions


a machine that smooths or glazes paper or cloth by pressing it between plates or passing it through rollers


press between rollers or plates so as to smooth, glaze, or thin into sheets; "calender paper"