Buttoned in a sentence as an adjective

If a little too buttoned up. Must have filtered out the Rand part.

They gave the power of the three-buttoned mouse, but also made scrolling much simpler. The same goes for tabbed browsing.

The pocket was buttoned down and he was also wearing a winter jacket on top of it as well. It happened in a crowded city bus.

IPhone comes with buttoned headphones. Thin Leather gloves serve other purposes and are decently cheap.

It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes."

> So glad we got that healthcare problem all buttoned up in America over the past six years." Politics is the art of the possible."

Stop being buttoned-down corporate and appeal to the fanatic feeling that still exists for the Mac > 23. Create a new logo > 25.

The entire experience, from their support to their online presence to their in-person events, has to be buttoned up tight.

When I buttoned up the ceiling they were dry and stiff enough that they offered significant resistance when I screwed in 2 inch drywall screws.

Do you want buttoned up, everything 'just works' but only a certain way? or do you want customizable with tinkering required?

Unless you know for sure that you have ALL scope buttoned up I would go with hourly or daily rates. If not the relationship can become adversarial very quickly.

So glad we got that healthcare problem all buttoned up in America over the past six years. Would anyone have to have a fundraiser in any other "1st world" country for medical problems?

Tie your tie correctly and tighten and straighten it, top button of your shirt buttoned - OR loose it completely, opening the top button - there is no middle ground.

She's also right to call out bloggers for publishing less than buttoned-up "journalism". But referencing Apple here is the same as the NY Times piece on Foxconn, failing to point out the ******* pact was Xbox workers, for example.

On the other hand, the hypersensitivity the author demonstrates is exactly the kind of buttoned-up bourgeois ******** that made me want to work for myself. I want the freedom to be myself.

Bob PS As an avid audiophile, I find the clash of subjectivists and objectivists on this normally-buttoned-down forum to be a bit of a trip.

Apple has such a super buttoned down approach and take it or leave it mentality that a developer advocate role may be redundant. Google has always had a loser feel with disparate divisions which in turn requires helping outside developers navigate the internals.

A man wearing a suit, for example, will suddenly have his jacket buttoned right-over-left rather than left-over-right, wristwatches and jewelry will appear on the wrong hands, and so on. Of course, mistakes like this show up in movies all the time, but it's professionally embarrassing and would reflect badly on someone if it was a regular issue in their work.

Buttoned definitions


furnished or closed with buttons or something buttonlike

See also: fastened