Buss in a sentence as a noun

Avoid all conferences, bars, cities, towns, buss stations and so on?

Do you think that racism is justified just because you let black people ride in the back of the buss?

Arguments that the back of the buss is equally good as the front of the buss is not good enough.

I based this on Enity/System more w/ events management, I call it module buss.

Then how come all the pics I have seen of the buss/gentrification >90% protesters have been young whites?

Buss in a sentence as a verb

Here in Sweden we have some battery-buss that can travel 60 minutes on a 5 minute charge.

You can have 3 photo's of a buss that look vary similar, but only 1 was infringing because it tried to recreate another picture.

* ready to sell business because it wasn't going anywhere, sequoia knew greendot well and got them to get a return on the $ put in so it wasn't a total buss.

> the argument here is that those shouldn't now be allowed to use a buss, taxi, train, or go with a friend somewhere in a car?Nope, that was not the argument.> I have a small distrustHa.

Then teachers, then schoolchildren, then all government vehicles, then all government administrators, then all government workers, then a few major corporations, then all major corporations, then small businesses, then all businesses, then students in college, then library patrons, buss-pass holders, then ex-convicts, then children, then people collecting unemployment, then people who are receiving disability payments, then retirees, then... Did I miss anyone?The slippery ***** is called slippery _because_ it is slippery...

Buss definitions


the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)

See also: kiss osculation


touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.; "The newly married couple kissed"; "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"

See also: snog kiss osculate