Bung in a sentence as a noun

To quote one, "I'll bung you £100 to do it". Thanks, I get paid that a day.

Also also: if I've got something to sell, can't I just bung it on ebay?

* People bung their photos/art in there. * The previous 'winners' choose the next wallpapers.

I'll submit that it was not smart to collate them into a tarball and bung them into my dropbox

Can you just bung a bunch of old textbooks in a box and ship it to them? Do you have to package them separately at all, or put stickers on them, or do you literally just stick them in a box?

It'd still be shorter and clearer than a Java equivalent that had to bung in anonymous classes and other **** to create a proper dispatch. Your point, however, totally stands.

Oh, and bung in a bit of "what have you got to hide", while we are at it. I really, really, hate saying this, because usually its a phrase used by right wing nut jobs, but it really smacks of genuine intellectual elitism.

We'll bung d-bus straight into the kernel, right along side the over 9000 other IPC mechanisms. Everybody uses d-bus these days, it's an Essential System Component.

You cannot take 2 Java applications, bung them in the JVM and one of them still halts the machine and the other one will halt as well. You can crash somebody else's application, so they are not isolated.

Bung in a sentence as a verb

It sounds to me like enterprisey dropbox: It backs up your files from your local file server to the aws cloud, and if your server dies, bung in a new one and all your files will reappear. Great idea, although maybe something you could already do with dropbox?

It's almost certainly at least a bit leaky; glass carboys tend to let a surprising amount of gas get in around the bung, which never seals quite perfectly. That said, even if it falls short of a 100% perfect hermetic seal it's still darn impressive.

No messing with virtual interfaces like IPv4 requires, just bung another IPv6 address onto the interface. I have some hosts with > 10 addresses on one interface, each aligned to a particular service.

When they say they care about cause X, they really mean, bung my PR agency a million quid to raise awareness of this, oh and hire my mates as spin doctors, ifyouwouldn'tmind.

This could well make them react by telling the mass population that "terrorists" and "criminals", might as well bung "pedophiles" in there too, are communicating "securely". We will prove their paranoia, give them the evidence they can twist and use.

Or are you saying not to give the poor some of the money so they can continue to park, but just as a bit of a bung as an apology for taking away their access to yet another public service?

If everyone could just email their PR pieces to a common techcrunch email address, someone could write a bit of code to check any links and then bung the text and pictures into an article template on the homepage.

What they can do is bung this $225m on the balance sheet as a future tax liability, since if the worst happens and they run in to cash flow problems they'd have to bring all of the original money back into the US and pay remaining tax on it. Ironically, this means they can offset even more profits against this liability.

And that reminds me of a This American Life, where the show's producers were unable to actually uncover conclusive evidence that fried hog bung was being used as imitation calamari rings, but they did find in a blind taste test that you probably wouldn't notice if it were. So I wouldn't say it's the best part of a hog, but it certainly wouldn't be as awful as you might think.

Proper Noun Examples for Bung

Bung' just means 'casually put somewhere'." Where do you want this box?" => "Just bung it on the table"

Bung definitions


a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask

See also: spile


give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; "Remember to tip the waiter"; "fee the steward"


close with a cork or stopper