Bumbling in a sentence as an adjective

But his arraignment was the result of a chain of bumbling actions.

I'm still the same old fraud I always was, bumbling along like all the other morons.

I am not a bumbling buffoon who can't change a light bulb without falling off a ladder.

Reminds me of the classic bumbling quote: "Why don't they just host GitHub where they host the status page?

It's shameful, and I wish I knew who the bumbling officials actually are.

There’s a table with name tags, fat sharpies, and people bumbling about who looks a hair too much like Dwight Schrute.

It seems like PHP has always been the fat kid bumbling along behind everyone shouting "wait up guys!!

You make someone sound like a bumbling idiot if you supply a verbatim transcript.

"Actually, in the case of the export restriction laws in question, they were bumbling idiots.

Seriously, what kind of bumbling fuckwit fires a highly productive employee for not being a specialist?

How many parenting articles written by women discriminate against "bumbling men" who "can't handle the kids?

"Contrary to popular belief, the people in government who make laws and control regulation are not bumbling idiots.

I just felt it was important to make it clear I wasn't coming from a place of authority and more from the perspective of a guy who is bumbling through it and trying to figure out what the **** is going on.

The problem is that the state laws are hugely problematic, the regulators are bumbling fools, the entrepreneurs and their venture capitalist backers are exceptionally cunning in their efforts to evade regulatory scrutiny, while the press utterly refuses to write about what is actually going on.

As someone who leans libertarian, it's easy to learn about the bad ways government restricts innovation, such as the current patent system, and assume that all government agents involved are either bumbling bureaucrats inadvertently screwing up the system or corrupted cronies deliberately screwing up the system.

Bumbling definitions


lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands; "a bumbling mechanic"; "a bungling performance"; "ham-handed governmental interference"; "could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature"- Mary H. Vorse

See also: bungling butterfingered ham-fisted ham-handed handless heavy-handed left-handed