Building in a sentence as a noun

Coworker was building a new house, and when it came to the numbers it was let loose that it was going to cost about $700K.

"To make it on your own, you have to stop building what you think people will pay for and start building what they actually will pay for.

I'm thankful to CL for not building gratuitous UI, or half assed "social" element, or "tweet this post to your social graph".

I don't relish the idea of building a company and then selling it... but life is more complicated than that.

His CV showed that he had spent most of his time building boring information systems for government agencies.

Choosing Ember over Backbone isn't going to cause your project to fail; building the wrong thing or failing to finish, however, will.

"Carefully planned and calculated" is a great recipe for building a bridge, but not for building a font, unfortunately.

I don't have an answer here, but it likely involves completely tearing down the existing system to its nuts and bolts and building it back up.

Despite what hacker news and TechCrunch try to convince you, running a company is a job just the same as building an engineering system.

It's a place where the next Tim Berners-Lee or Mozilla, if they were building a new browser from scratch, couldn't just look up the details of all the "Web" technologies.

We had to support product teams while also building out the framework at the same time, and making sure the user-facing products were the best was more important.

He's experienced, very much down to business, he cuts through the **** and through technical fads, and currently ensures that we're building the most lean and simple backend that I've ever seen.

The new guy was arguably the most talented guy in the company by a considerable margin, so he thought someone building a $700K home might've been overextending themselves.

The government is also actively building a electronic patient file, containing all medical details of every person.

On the heels of the failure of a project where I have spent weeks building up for, I will quickly force myself to do routine molecular biology, or general lab tasks, or a repeat of an experiment that I have gotten to work in the past.

Building definitions


a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"

See also: edifice


the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats"

See also: construction


the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades"

See also: construction


the occupants of a building; "the entire building complained about the noise"