Briny in a sentence as a noun

The best explanation seems to be melting briny water.

It's a very briny water which can radically shift the phase diagram.

Assuming you can get CO2 in pure concentrated form, just need to pump it down to briny deposits that will absorb it.

You mention desert, so is it an incredibly saline salt lake or briny fossil aquifers?

They conveniently have an already briny place to dump it all:"The brine discharge from the plant will be piped 100 miles north through Jordan to replenish the Dead Sea"

It's not far above sea level, so I guess its foundations could be threatened by rising seas, but stone foundations should do just fine submerged in briny water.

Briny in a sentence as an adjective

It comes from the Earth, of course, but it doesn't require strip mining or blowing the tops off mountains like other resources do...most often, lithium is found in briny underground ponds.

The Albatross Often, to amuse themselves, the men of a crew Catch albatrosses, those vast sea birds That indolently follow a ship As it glides over the deep, briny sea.

I was humoring the "seawater greenhouse" as a method of treating non-potable water, pumped from underground briny aquifers.

The ocean is big, but it would be extremely costly to discharge that amount of brine into the ocean in a way that wouldn't create a very large persistently briny volume near the discharge point.

> It actually makes zero sense to wash the sushi down immediately with sake as it changes the flavor of what you're eating [...]I got the impression that was the intended purpose here, though; you can enjoy the flavours separately, but in the case of the briny sushi that he was served the addition of the sake created a different flavour that was worth trying.

Briny definitions


any very large body of (salt) water

See also: main


slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water); "a brackish lagoon"; "the briny deep"

See also: brackish