Breeding in a sentence as a noun

That's what we get for breeding a society of consumers.

This degraded civilization became the perfect breeding ground for disease and even more people died.

Those are real people, whose lives you seem to weigh very little when you consider them against the still theoretical disadvantages of modern selective breeding.

These multidrug-resistant species we're breeding are the single most likely cause of the eventual extinction of the human species, far ahead of nuclear war.

When you coddle lazy or bad developers, you end up breeding an entire crop of developers who end up creating terrible legacy systems that will plague us for years to come.

Give a couple examples that you think support this idea that aren't equally well explained by the traditional 'stone broke and ignorant and breeding like mad to make sure at least one survives' model.

Breeding in a sentence as an adjective

Americans of proper breeding and with the educational attainment and moral worth to become salarymen would simply never go bankrupt.

Modern molecular breeding techniques greatly alleviates this because we can see which varieties confer resistance to a pathogen or pest, and then breed in those select traits.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire, European housebuilding went back to starch roofs - which in addition to be a poor way to protect yourself from rain or humidity can be a breeding ground for diseases and pests.

> we are breeding new generations who have no concept that anything worth doing requires hard work and commitment, and whose total career aspirations are to climb the middle management ladder as fast as possibleBull.

I have quite a bit of a problem with people ordering antibiotics, and breeding antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains both inside their bodies, and in our sewers once they feel better and flush the rest of the pills.

If "conservation" means breeding wild animals in what is essentially captivity so that "rich westerners" can pay lots of money to go around and shoot them for the sake of shooting them, then you're absolutely right, I am going to be offended.

Breeding definitions


elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression

See also: genteelness gentility


the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"

See also: education training


helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important"

See also: fostering fosterage nurture raising rearing upbringing


the production of animals or plants by inbreeding or hybridization


the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring

See also: reproduction procreation


producing offspring or set aside especially for producing offspring; "the breeding population"; "retained a few bulls for breeding purposes"