Breakage in a sentence as a noun

It caused quite a lot of downtime and breakage.

No breakage, no special scary new features, nothing at\nall like that.

Lots of sales as gifts, and since it's winter they will wait a few months to jump which will raise breakage, and hence the margin.

There are lots of commercially available metallic coatings for your plastic sculpture that will promise you of no breakage etc.

All day long we quietly fix breakage, and every month or so we revert a title that someone was attached to, and we get an indignant mob bitching at us.

This solution is fragile, however - that means every binding would need to be bound to some object off of that single ViewModel object, which could be prone to breakage as these models change.

Since the majority of websites even today work relatively well in IE[6-8], the inconvenience of occasional breakage does not outweigh the inertia of IE[6-8] users.

There's nothing more soothing than stringing commands together, writing a script, or organising things in a text file or database: mostly because if something breaks, I broke it, I can see the breakage, I can fix the breakage.

The hard things to debug, distributed bugs, timing and locking issues, race conditions, reliability problems, the 3 day debugging sessions, the Microsoft patch breakage dance and the 'its 2am and everything just caught fire' jobs.

The link itself addresses this:Overtightening of cable management bindings can cause conductor breakage, insulation damage, excessive chafing, and deformations between the conductive, dielectric, and shield parts of a cable, and no doubt a host of other issues.

If this were truly intended to be a closed device, unavailable for use except by specific media partners, why would there be a public SDK at all?In the absence of a statement from Google that the ChromeCast by design doesn't support the functionality used by this or other video streaming apps, I'd consider it premature to assume intentional breakage.

Breakage definitions


the quantity broken; "the total breakage was huge"


reimbursement for goods damaged while in transit or in use


the act of breaking something; "the breakage was unavoidable"

See also: break breaking