Bravura in a sentence as a noun

But lessens your karma for the sake of bravura's.

You can enable showdead, bravura posted the whole content, but the comment is dead.

Hey bravura,Do you mind elaborating your process of hiring remote workers for short term gigs?

Thanks bravura for the feedback we really appreciated your input, thats great to see what type of listing you will get the most benefit.

In addition to what bravura said, Geoff Hinton's group at UT has recently introduced a new approach to training neural networks that they call "dropout".

The question is: who is in the best position to attract the attention of the prospective users quickly and effectively?I'm willing to bet bravura at this point.

Talking about male prejudice in the tech community really gets under people's skin, including my cofounder bravura who said that maybe I shouldn't have posted and rankled people.

Bravura definitions


brilliant and showy technical skill; "in a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water"; "the music ends with a display of bravura"