Brainiac in a sentence as a noun

I think there is room for a kind of brainiac's guerrilla fashion site, so to speak.

Seems like some brainiac in marketing won some battle to sink their claws into the VS team.

The Alpha 21064 was a barn-stormer; it ran at nearly twice the Mhz of its brainiac competitors at the time.

Superiors and coworkers can feel threatened by a brainiac.

Just declaring "I'm done" like this brainiac and asking for the door shows that, though he may be a smart programmer, he has zero social skills.

"A brainiac who works in the lab walks into Page’s office one day wielding his latest world-changing invention—a time machine.

Well, one, being Harvard educated does not necessarily mean you are really a brainiac.

I walked away from a national merit scholarship and dropped out of college to go find out who I was other than an obnoxious brainiac.

I guess it is not easily feasible without isolating the target person, because all the "brainiac" background noise in crowded areas.

From a sub-120 lbs scrawny brainiac, he transformed into a ridiculously jacked 230 lbs monster, eating something like 8000 calories a day.

It's not as though if everyone were a Harvard-educated brainiac it would suddenly be possible for everyone to have high-paying jobs.

The fans probably just associate it as some brainiac professor declaring war on their culture and insulting their beloved players, and respond with hatemail and death threats.

Brainiac definitions


someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius"; "he's smart but he's no Einstein"

See also: genius mastermind brain Einstein