Booklet in a sentence as a noun

A signature consists of four sheets of paper stacked, then folded in half to make a little booklet.

This situation has reminded me of the Perl Success Stories booklet that O'Reilly used to spread around.

The booklet contains the following credit: "Explosion from Doom courtesy of id Software, Inc and bobby prince Music""

I used that booklet to walk students through the new UI, and we always had a lot of fun with Paint, especially when the College obtained a colour printer.

The About Krita booklet says: "Krita is pervasively multithreaded and can use all cores in a multicore machine.

When Windows 95 first came out, it came with a little tutorial booklet by Microsoft with some activities based on Paint, Wordpad &c to show off the desktop tools.

Someone at Apple had taken great care to design the Opening the box and setting up your computer experience such that the right booklet was the first thing you saw when you opened the box, the power cables, keyboard, and mouse were layered under the documents in the right order to set them up, and by the time you lifted the computer out and put it on your desk, it all seemed very natural to plug things together and turn it on.

Booklet definitions


a small book usually having a paper cover

See also: brochure folder leaflet pamphlet