Bondage in a sentence as a noun

They just hate it, and stay with the "Ada is bondage" meme.

So was selling yourself into bondage in the Middle Ages, after all you always had the choice to starve to death.

Who would want to buy data pertaining to whether somebody likes bondage or spanking?"Hmm..

You could walk around in bondage gear all day, it doesn't mean you're asking to be raped, or change the legitimacy of accusations of rape.

It came along when the programming world was desperate to be liberated from XML bondage...a fine solution surfaced at the right place and right time.

It's like complaining that nobody is listening to your lecture on particle physics just because you are delivering it in full bondage gear.

Rulers who distrust their own people, must govern in a spirit of absolutism; and suspected subjects will be ever sensible of their bondage.

Thus the most effective way to convert whites to an antislavery position, Lincoln believed, was to separate the issue of bondage from that of race.

The "liberation" is in fact an act of bondage, an attempt to limit programming techniques to a narrow range to try to get all the noble benefits of mathematics, which is a priori assumed to be the best way to go about reasoning.

Robert Harper argues that dynamically typed languages are languages of a single Type:And this is precisely what is wrong with dynamically typed languages: rather than affording the freedom to ignore types, they instead impose the bondage of restricting attention to a single type!

Bondage definitions


the state of being under the control of a force or influence or abstract power; "he was in bondage to fear:; "he sought release from his bondage to Satan"; "a self freed from the bondage of time"


the state of being under the control of another person

See also: slavery thrall thralldom thraldom


sexual practice that involves physically restraining (by cords or handcuffs) one of the partners