Bluntly in a sentence as an adverb

These days, I say I played Woz. Woz, to put it bluntly, is the awesomest hacker/engineer, ever. He's just a freakin' god!

Allow me to put it bluntly: my reasons for leaving BankSimple are my business. I have no interest, reason, or obligation to tell you more than I have.

To put it bluntly, the use of these engines of war is limited only to the rich kids, and there is no chance for appeal or mercy when you are identified as a target. Think about that for a second.

Chess, to put it bluntly, has never had a great PR plan. The championships, flawed though they might be, are the fraying threads tenuously holding the game above the abyss of public irrelevance.

To put it bluntly after managing both for years, Postgres doesn't scare the **** out of me like MySQL does. I've had quite a few moments with MySQL doing stupid things that aren't intuitive or right, particularly in the backup/restore space.

Believe me, if your salary seems impossible to achieve the recruiter will tell you, probably pretty bluntly. And if it is possible to achieve and the recruiter helps you get there she'll be thrilled.

Sequoia bluntly states they prefer to fund two guys working from a dorm room. The **** side of this analysis would be: YC and Sequoia prefer to fund kids because kids are easier to manipulate.

While I definitely support the notion of this petition, it's time that people realize that things like these won't do ****, to put it bluntly. To stop this madness, we have to attack and bring down the people who cause this retardation - the content industries.

To put it more bluntly: I think it's reasonable to argue that Wikipedia is the single most important product of the Internet to date.

The post is written bluntly, but it argues with factual assertions, not with emotional appeals. I don't think criticism of its tone is warranted or really all that appropriate.

Which means, bluntly... if a Volvo did not offer the same level of interoperability with my Android, the Volvo is no longer on my list of cars to buy.

He told me very bluntly he thought it was hopeless, and I consider it a sign of respect that he didn't feel the need to sugarcoat it. There's politeness--with which I've only seen Gell-Mann flirt--but then there's the sticky-sweet ******** the OP was parodying.

Sure, some people will quit, but quite bluntly, anyone worth their salt would have already left Yahoo by now. Anyone who is happy working in the environment that was Yahoo over the past 5 years is not an A player by any stretch, so it's safe to assume that you can afford to lose them.

I'm sure companies that are having 100x more of an impact in this world than Evernote will ever have were started by people who very bluntly went against that sort of advice. Steve Jobs' "Stay hungry, stay foolish" comes to mind, and I'll side with his blissfully ignorant optimism any day.

Not many people have the confidence and candor to say that so bluntly, but also the authority to be listened to. This is also one of the reasons why I like Kevin O'Leary on Shark Tank/Dragon's Den. He often recognizes that people are wasting their life on broken ideas and isn't afraid to tell them that.

I think the underlying point the article's taking glancing blows at has plenty of merit, they just failed to do it bluntly enough. I think there's likely a high correlation between highly productive employees, and people who could care less about IT bureaucracy.

I made an account just to explain why I dread the impact of this change on the quality, openness, and character of discourse at HN. Put bluntly this change inspires a visceral feeling of loss and disappointment in me. I have viewed HN as a community where anyone can participate fully if they have something useful to say.

To put it bluntly, if I received an email from you in this style, I would archive it without response, assuming it was from someone who lacked the requisite introspective capability I expect from the people I want to work with. I found it particularly telling that you claim that all five of your phone screens went "very well" but marveled that only three companies tried to set up an onsite interview with you.

Yes, I know that blaming Republicans is cool and all, and fits the current media narrative, but in this particular case, it bluntly ignores the absenteeism of the Senate for the past five years, and both parties, and indeed both wings of Congress are at fault.

A couple of drinks in, you start to just say what you mean instead of thinking so much about whose feelings you are going to hurt or whatever, you say things very bluntly, like, I think we should do this, and I think you are wrong for saying we should do it a different way, and now you can have an honest argument about what needs to get done and what the concerns are about the company or how its structured or how the stock is going to be split. All this stuff will come up over drinks and as long as you are not too drunk, it can be helpful.

More bluntly, we seem primed to confidently see history as an inevitable march toward a theory-predicted global conflict with an alien united them determined to oppose our core symbolic values, making infeasible overly-risky overconfident plans to oppose them. We seem primed to neglect the value and prospect of trillions of quirky future creatures not fundamentally that different from us, focused on their simple day-to-day pleasures, mostly getting along peacefully in vastly-varied uncoordinated and hard-to-predict local cultures and life-styles.

Bluntly definitions


in a blunt direct manner; "he spoke bluntly"; "he stated his opinion flat-out"; "he was criticized roundly"

See also: bluffly brusquely roundly