Bloviate in a sentence as a verb

- "This qualifies me to bloviate on it, so here goes."

They're just good for bloviating, and there are lots of places where you can bloviate anyway.

The custommer is always right; even when they bloviate well beyond their area of expertise.

But hey, if I got paid to rattle off my opinion on national TV regardless of its merit, I might bloviate too.

I ******* hate that pundits can bloviate without consequence to their reputation.

If you talk and bloviate about it, no matter the particular words and sentiment of the moment, I'm going to start viewing you as part of the problem. An attitude I think we should all consider.

Promise a bunch of gee-whiz features that are only going to 'work' in the most charitable sense of the word, then bloviate about your attention to detail, passion, and craftsmanship. It's done so much nowadays it's cheap.

That's how people stupid enough to bloviate about "synergizing our disruptive verticals" manage to get through elite colleges. I wish I were kidding, but something like 60% of MBA students cheat.

Infinity cannot bully this bull, cannot bloviate this bovine. By all appearances this cow is wearing infinity on its mane."

The latter people tend to bloviate about their bleeding-edge products and working tools as if the entire world does exactly what they do, and this seldom reflects reality. This self-centered view of the world seems to be the trend in tech writing these days.

People would bloviate many paragraphs about how disruptive Uber, etc. were and how they were going to revolutionize transportation.

Everyone feels the need to bloviate about 2 vs 4 indents, tabs vs spaces, or which lint flags to enable/disable. ****, with go get always grabbing the master branch, it even implicitly requires projects to keep their master branch 'green' so it doesn't break projects that depend on it.

I also didn't say anything to bloviate, perhaps you would appreciate reviewing the definition for that word too? You are the one here writing about how "wokeism" started in 1960 and expect people to take you seriously?

Most of what I know about the process comes from primary research made possible by living in DC and spending too much time in hill bars listening to windbags bloviate on their own importance. Also fictional TV. Because that's a great place to learn things about your government, right?

It's also very different from the podcasts I think other posters are talking about, which have a host and guests, all of whom bloviate about whatever the topic of the day might be. That's just like an old-school radio show and not really very interesting to me.

I can hunt down abstract knowledge all day and bloviate like a master, but in the end, it's all hot air if I can't demonstrate my mastery in a concrete fashion. The advantage people are seeing is that github provides a public mastery demonstration, as well as a view of your work.

Remember politicians and lawyers can bloviate and scheme all they like, but ultimately it is engineers who have to bring their plans into existence. We are the gatekeepers between dreams and reality, and when it comes to the politicians and executives, they need us far more than we need them.

Indeed, while our politicians bloviate about 'terrorism' and how safe they're keeping us, this is the reality. Notable that this occurred in Texas, where the legislature would be as likely consult Jesus about the incident as a security expert.

You can bloviate obtusely all you want, but it will not change the fact that I have formed the opinion that you are either an idiot, which is bad; or a troll, which is worse. You pollute this site with an endless string of political cheap shots which; I'll be frank, even when I agree with you your tone and manner make me want to disagree with you.

People tend to bloviate a bit about how the first person or group to build and train a "seed AGI" would have "godlike" power, but what they forget is that given godlike power, there is no reason to be selfish or psychopathic. Most human selfishness and greed comes from incentive gradients and competition traps resulting from the systems we have to survive in.

Everyone feels the need to bloviate about 2 vs 4 indents, tabs vs spaces, or which lint flags to enable/disable. It was in one of the numerous Go talks/videos/presentations where I think it was Ken Thompson who said that he could walk around the Google cafeteria and hear Python programmers arguing all day long of how white space should work, and in Go, those discussions just don't happen.

Bloviate definitions


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