Bloodthirsty in a sentence as an adjective

How to win the bloodthirsty battle for tech talent"? Why come use our site of course!

The masses will love you, so long as you don't explicitly say that you are a dictator, no matter how violent and bloodthirsty you are. At least that is what is happening today...

I like the implication that companies with bad UI are likely to have bloodthirsty sociopaths as CEOs.

Then again, if you've read the Icelandic Sagas, you'll find that they used to be bloodthirsty enough in pre-modernity. Culture matters too.

Recruiters are bloodthirsty. Since there is exactly zero barrier to entry when there is a perceived shortage of talent we get a swarm of 'tech recruiters' that looks kind of like Carp do when you through a handful of popcorn into the coy pond.

At that point you should also mention the bloodthirsty populations of Central America as well as the black-hearted people of Iceland. Really, I think only the Moon is reasonably safe but the place has gone downhill since 1969.

While I don't think the TechCrunch article was an example of charitable judgment, people are bloodthirsty and love to string up an "example case" every so often.

This type of "Christian" however, is bloodthirsty, vindictive, bigoted, and hypocritical. Christians speak of forgiveness, yet are the first here to demand payback and retribution.

Further, if it comes from a company that also offers more conventional achievement kinds of tests, it may come with bloodthirsty NDAs, as a matter of habit for such companies.

A more bloodthirsty commander would have fallen for certain traps, committed certain errors of judgment that Ender was immune to. The nuance here is that Ender's strategic advantage came from a tremendous empathy with his adversary.

There is a continuum of evil - on one end, you have ruthless bloodthirsty organizations who don't balk at breaking all the rules to make a dollar or point, on the other end you have "mostly self-consistent" organizations like FSF and EFF. Microsoft isn't pure evil, they're were just seen as being closer to the bloodthirsty end than Apple or Google. It used to be that Google was seen as closer to the FSF side than, say, Microsoft.

The article does a lot of discounting 'the vikings where no more "bloodthirsty than other warriors of the period" over and over, and then contradicting it by "pope placed limits on Christian warfare and threatened excommunication for leaders who became unduly aggressive. The Vikings had no such inhibiting force".

Yeah something should be done, and what else is better than barbaric islamic fundamentalist rebels, beheading war criminals, and bloodshed murderers, supported by international bloodthirsty, greedy media cartels. We should support them as they are fighting against an anti-democratic regime.

That said, I'm pretty liberal in Israeli political terms, and the bloodthirsty words I hear coming from the Hamas leadership, along with the more muted tones I hear from the Fatah-led West Bank, make even me wonder if we can trust the Palestinians. I have to hope that the answer is "yes," because if we can't ever trust each other, then we'll never reach a peace treaty, or ever reach a reasonable compromise.

Every new weapon of doom we discover we play with and we're no better than our imperialist and bloodthirsty forefathers. Our civilization is determined to self-destruct by either nuclear war, environmental disaster, political insanity or runaway capitalism.

Huge, bloodthirsty, spectacular acts of terrorism were older than those attacks, and those attacks didn't threaten the stability of the societies or governments in question in the slightest. The tendency of English-speaking governments to use sweeping, untargeted surveillance to curb political activism or otherwise mold public opinion and behavior is older than those attacks, too.

Bloodthirsty definitions


marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed; "bloody-minded tyrants"; "bloodthirsty yells"; "went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood"-G.W.Johnson

See also: bloody-minded sanguinary