Bloodline in a sentence as a noun

It is arguably as easy to pick a scoundrel as bloodline was.

It's an artifact of the software's bloodline running back to the 80s.

I really like the whole legacy and bloodline idea.

The lure of finding out that you are as awesome as you thought you should be by way of royal bloodline, etc.

They seem to offer clues of their isolated existence and bloodline but not their extinction.

That because Snowden didn't have an extension to his own bloodline that it was easy for himself to come forward and blow the whistle?

If people with a white bloodline are statistically less likely to either rob us or get us labelled racists jerks in the press, than that's who we're hirig.

Now that I have a flock of kids, however, my wife and adoptive mother are pushing me to track them down so I can learn about my bloodline's medical history.

To unify the empire, they used a "pure bloodline" propaganda myth - Koreans and Japanese were all pure-blooded warriors from the same stock.

Internet is the bloodline of the post-industrial economy just like railways were of industrial one.

If a person is in the position of asking if ufw will work on CentOS, it is downright mean to give an answer that requires them understand esoteric particulars of the debian bloodline.

I have an Italian bloodline, and remember my "nono" saying that you should always try to eat, drink and breath well - how can you live well doing such essential things carelessly?Start with simple recipes for dishes you like.

> Counterexample... I am asian, my "pragmatically authoritarian" father did not encourage me to play violin in order to win money for his bloodline.

But bloodline still carries a lot of weight in many Jewish communities, typically in direct proportion to the degree of religious orthodoxy of a given community.

Modern pseudomarriage is a convenience, a way to find some companionship and engage in sexual activity while receiving some economic benefits, not an incubator for the formation of a family and a bloodline.

Bloodline definitions


the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"


ancestry of a purebred animal

See also: pedigree