Blandness in a sentence as a noun

If everyone used the same assets, games would all have the same blandness. No thank you.

So I don't believe the supposed blandness of the web results from a lack of visual design tools.

One thing I hate about those kind of urbanscape is their utter blandness, even if people were to fill it up.

I agree, there is a trend in iOS 7 for visual "blandness". I'm not upset about it, but I do see it happening.

One possible narrative is "blandness is a virtue". All the pictures are bland beige stuff in a plastic jug.

Oranges in the US are large, last a long time on the shelves, don't have many seeds, look good, and tend towards blandness. In my experience.

My experience of this is that the reference taker phoned up, and kept on going until the blandness wore off. The person got the job so I assume they were satisfied.

These days practicality and blandness is a virtue to me, not a shortcoming. I wouldn't say Python is not going where other languages are to be heading.

I'm putting it down to it having no unique character and thus suffering a blandness of writing. That, combined with terrible UX.

It was initially an exercise in blandness, but now I'm quite used to the flavor, and am disgusted at the idea of eating as much salt as I did 2+ years ago.

The title is shocking in it blandness and lack of creativity and the post itself long and unexciting. Someone needs to review their job postings for them : "Multi talented developer wanted for YC company"

Something I feel in using Python is that it's blandness/utility is itself beautiful, or at the very least, elegant. Like a well made tool, it doesn't get in your way, it works well for what it's designed for, making creation without thought easy.

It's not cool to like them, but they do very well precisely because of that predictability, that blandness. Apple, however, lives and dies by its reputation as a visionary, an entity that is constantly breaking new ground.

Like say those who find many flavors offensive and prefer blandness. But as for my original point, I would always trust the snarker in this case over the harmonious river crab: based on my experience, the former's information is actually more useful than the latter's.

Perhaps thats what these cookies were missing and perhaps an open source album would also need a 'Conductor' picking and choosing the best pull requests otherwise I could definitely see it resulting in lowest-common denominator blandness. 1.

It's madness, and these self-appointed design "experts" are dragging the whole industry down with them in their mindless pursuit of blandness and their personal ideal of beauty--which they put upon an altar and worship, while ignoring usefulness! A cell phone's screen is not a fashion statement, nor a work of art!

Popularity is obviously a factor in achieving that since lots of people associate mass marketed products with blandness, juvenility, etc.

I've seen far too many "sites" that are not a start, but a finish, wrapped in the homogenized turquoise blandness that is bootstrap. Sure it's possible to wrangle the CSS into something that might look better, but by then the "site" is already pigeonholed into functionality and structure defined by someone who "doesn't give a **** about design."

So the following points I raise are my personal preferences rather than stating one approach is "better" than another: For me, that blandness brings great simplicity - which makes it refreshingly easy to learn and write code in that language. It also helps with those "what the **** was I drinking when I wrote that code" moments that even the best of us suffer from time to time.

This implies a homogeneous intelligence that does not exist, and the output is akin to the blandness of mass-produced foods. Yes, honors and advanced placement courses and special education are injected into the curriculum, but do not adequately address the greatly varied minds that pass through.

After all those years of being negatively conditioned with Times as the default Apache 404 Error font, and so many other places, all that's caused is a strong notion of neutrality and blandness. I don't dislike Times, and I also believe there is no discussion on that it's strictly better designed than Comic Sans: it's got more glyphs, the letter forms are more constant and harmonious, etc.

He decried Facebook and similar platforms for fostering a "uniformity and blandness rival[ing] something out of a Soviet bloc residential apartments corridor," then went on to promote Bootstrap, which is subject to the same pitfalls. I just wanted to explore that trade-off between sophistication and originality in today's websites.

Truth is that there is a lot more to economic and political theory than the blandness of socialism versus capitalism and it is high time that we step forward out of the past centuries of conflict and get to work crafting a Star Trek social order.

Blandness definitions


the trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern; "the blandness of his confession enraged the judge"


lacking any distinctive or interesting taste property

See also: insipidity insipidness


the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner

See also: suavity suaveness smoothness