Blameful in a sentence as an adjective

Ah, the good old "blameful postmortem." Sounds like a toxic culture...

The Junior dev does bear a small amount of blame, if you really want to go the blameful route. But figuring out who to blame is toxic.

There's no way to guarantee a successful engineering hire, but organizations try to because their culture is so blameful or fearful of conflict that all the incentives are misaligned. I believe most organizations copy the Google, Facebook, etc.

I'm admittedly not up to speed on this particular soap opera, but it seems like the real blameful parties here are Gizmodo et al - scraping the bottom of the barrel for raw technical tidbits, and then escalating them into sensationalist "news" narrative rather than performing any sort of responsible interpretation.

Blameful definitions


deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious; "blameworthy if not criminal behavior"; "censurable misconduct"; "culpable negligence"

See also: blameworthy blamable blameable censurable culpable