Blackout in a sentence as a noun

The goal here is not blackout per se but to defeat these bills.

In addition, HN has a huge audience of people who are in a position to blackout their own sites.

It's the largest and longest such blackout in the world, observers say." "Residents are without Internet links unless they flee to farflung places... One customer had traveled 750 miles just to get online.

If they're not up to date, how could we expect any non industry insiders to be?A brief blackout is like tapping the media on the shoulder.

The feedback on reddit and HN was pretty helpful, though, and the day of the blackout I was on literally every other network much better armed.

Much more unfortunately many people aren't even bothering to read the pages that are blacked out today to understand why the blackout is occurring.

Not to say that GoDaddy isn't engaging in this selective DNS blackout policy, just that it's not because of a underinvestment in their infrastructure.

\n"The Syrian government said that terrorists were behind the outages, but CloudFlare, a firm that helps accelerate Internet traffic, said it would have been extremely difficult for any type of sabotage to cause such a comprehensive blackout, according to Reuters.

Blackout definitions


a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting


darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)

See also: brownout dimout


the failure of electric power for a general region


a momentary loss of consciousness


partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening"

See also: amnesia