Bipolar in a sentence as an adjective

However, the claim that he's "overcome" bipolar this way is reckless and frankly dangerous.

I spent three weeks over christmas in a mental hospital with an incorrect bipolar diagnosis when I was fifteen.

I've also been diagnosed bipolar I[1].Opiates allow me to conquer depression and major stress.

Yes, you are right, that many people would benefit from therapy in addition to *****, but bipolar disorder, especially, is not a disease that responds to it.

I was so bothered by the homeless people I saw everyday that it seriously impeded my work performance. i'd walk by them and feel terrible for not being able to help, for having an easy time making money, and feel afraid that my bipolar disorder would get worse and i'd end up like them.

There are countless bipolar patients out there who struggle every day with their medications; the costs, the terrible side effects, and who fight a battle of willpower to stay on them despite feeling "cured".

But plenty of people have bipolar mood disorders, with various mood patterns over time, and bipolar mood disorders are tricky to treat, because some treatments that lift mood simply move patients from depression into mania.

I learned so many things from her, things most people my age and younger already knew, but had escaped me because of the difficulty i have relating to people and understanding social norms, and because i have bipolar disorder, which makes any form of introspection terrifying.

About 25 percent of the homelessness population has serious mental illness, including such diagnoses as chronic depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders, and severe personality disorders.> Substance use is also prevalent among homeless populations.

Bipolar definitions


of or relating to manic depressive illness


of, pertaining to, or occurring in both polar regions; "the bipolar distribution of certain species"


having two poles