Biota in a sentence as a noun

If I came off sounding like I don't appreciate the profound influence of our gut biota, I apologize.

"Looking towards the year 2100, models forecast that pressures on biota will continue to increase.

If the biota, in the course of aeons, has built something we like but do not understand, then who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts?

It has it's own biota, a bacterial/fungal/viral ecosystem that provides a living layer on which the bees work and live.

I’m not an expert but from what I’ve read you don’t need to eat the biota to get them, you just need to make them a happy home and they’ll find their way into your gut.

Further, I find it of general interest in better understanding our physical relationship with micro-biota and the broader world.

Interestingly, only a handful of species play a large role in the regulation of gut microbiota and physiology/psychology of the host.

There is evidence that people suffering metabolic syndrome have significantly different gut biota than those who aren't and when "normal" biota is reintroduced, their health improves.

Nice comment, however I doubt any informed gardener would want to emulate Iowa corn field topsoil, it probably has just slightly more biota in it than the Atacama desert at this point.

The effects of radiation\n on plants and animals following the Chernobyl accident are\n discussed separately in annex E, “Effects of ionizing radiation\n on non‑human biota”.

The main global consequence will be serious\ncontamination of the Pacific which may catastrophically affect Pacific biota.

But as life has continued spinning off more “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful,” extinction has acted as the flipside to evolution as our planet’s biota continually reshapes itself.

Where I differ with her: Whether chromosomes or upbringing or micro-biota I don't care, those differences exist, they are useful diversification and should be accepted, even though they each need to be managed in their own way.

Average temperatures rose by 6C over a period of 20,000 years -- which is enough to look like a giant, sharp spike on the history-of-the-entire-planet graph....__When the biota of a planet get rewritten, the creatures that require the most delicate maintenance die first.

Biota definitions


all the plant and animal life of a particular region

See also: biology