Biosphere in a sentence as a noun

I guess it just depends on how you define the biosphere and survival.

The amount of carbon in algae is very small compared to the total carbon budget of the biosphere.

The whole thing is about condemning the commercial interruption of the biosphere.

It is carbon neutral in the way that when you grow algae, unless you are feeding it CO2 produced by burning oil, or something, the carbon will come from the biosphere.

I don't know man, if you think that a potential, non-trivial chance of the collapse of the biosphere isn't something to be alarmed of, then I don't know what is.

That would solve all the problems, starting with scarcity!Pollution is bad in a biosphere, but why shouldn't we strip-mine the asteroid belt with von-neumann machines?

You don't even start a space program to look or travel elsewhere if you're not interested in what might be out there!How could you not be interested in an entirely different biosphere?

Conservation biologists have recognized that the Earth and its biosphere isn't a static system, and that conservation efforts shouldn't be aimed at "holding back the tides" so to speak.

The notion of a polar thaw is tossed around as being desirable for canada as a shipping route....BUT this would decimate the living biosphere of 90% of canadians who live within 100 miles of the US border.

Companies that pollute are contributing to potentially catastrophic disruption of the biosphere and global warming, but it doesn't happen overnight, so people treat it as less wrong than building a nightclub with no fire exits.

At the other extreme, the machinery of oxygenic photosynthesis came together once after an inexplicable billion-year delay and completely reset the biosphere.

In the face of the mass extinction event we humans seem determined to inflict on our biosphere, conservationists often advocate concentrating our efforts on saving ancient species like Borderea chouardii, because they present relatively isolated, long branches on the tree of life.

Sure, let's instead roll the dice that whatever's in our best interest now, and in the near future, won't be too bad for future generations, despite that we can see that we're altering the biosphere in significant ways without a good understanding of the long-term effects and with no plan to reverse the changes we're making and have made, much less a plan and the technology to deal with unforeseen consequences.

Biosphere definitions


the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the Earth (or other planet) where living organisms exist