Biomass in a sentence as a noun

How much of the biomass die-off does this explain?

If you improve the yield of viable biomass from the plants that'll go part of the way to solving this.

The total biomass must have remained roughly constant since.

Count the number, or the biomass if you prefer, of the species that survive in a brainless, ruthless manner.

In which case it's likely we'll find that there's a very high excess of trash-to-energy infrastructure, though much of it might be applied to other feedstocks, including biomass.

Hi, thanks for the question - The fuel source intended for the Volo Engine is some type of biomass - for the biomass the plan is to use a gassifier to get the heat out of the biomass.

Because biomass will naturally released CO2 when decomposing.

There is academic evidence [3] that large fish, specifically tuna, are acting as vector to transport large amounts of spoiled biomass as far afield as California.

Biomass definitions


plant materials and animal waste used as fuel


the total mass of living matter in a given unit area