Billowing in a sentence as an adjective

Seems there is a lot of smoke billowing out of this thing...

Smoke or steam has been billowing from number 3 for hours now and its fuel is in the reactor, not the spent fuel pool.

If there is a fire in the next room billowing smoke, you aren't likely to wake up and you're going to inhale all that smoke.

Probably not, however, the crisis smoke signals are billowing big time. Why is that?

By the time he'd reacted to her skirt billowing up and readied his camera she'd have yanked it down again.

Obama was destined to win, flown to victory on the billowing gray beards of ... something.

He realized how they looked: him in a white lab coat, an apparently-naked giant behind him, steam clouds billowing out. So he said "Not now Igor, there are people here," and closed the door.

There ought to be some negative consequences for billowing hatred.

The thick black smoke billowing off of these smoldering trash heaps was disgusting and can't be great for the peopl e or the environment.

One day your hardware's going to catch on fire and your first clue won't be the smoke billowing into the neighboring rack, it will be the errors in your logs.

It was after the first plane hit and, with the 7 being an outdoor subway line with a great view of the Manhattan skyline, we in the first car could see the gaping hole and smoke billowing. I assumed it was an accident.

Housing shortages were another theme, as was endless billowing torrents of acid rain. Turns out, the EPA actually did its job on that front and headed off a disaster in this country.

The only places where carbon capture is currently effective are very carbon-rich, like a billowing smokestack. The idea of a device like you propose is so far away, it's a pipe dream.

Huge insignia, and huge billowing banners. Very moving.

But why would you replace the huge, powerful Diesel engines that blow large billowing clouds of exhaust fumes with wimpy electric trains? And would we still have the crazy searchlights and blaring horns that scare the cattle off the tracks in the middle of the night?

Torso pads billowing too much? Specify a maximum difference between torso circumference with and without pads.

I went into a panic stop one rainy night when a billowing piece of plastic blew across the road in front of me, it looked exactly like a jogging person to myself and my passenger. We don't need self-driving cars to be perfect before they are released, just better than people.

Around these things lie a vast and billowing cloud of baseless speculation, which smells uncomfortably of sulfur and bile. > examine speculation\n\nThe wispy and insubstantial cloud seems formless at first, but if you stare long enough, you can almost see the shapes of your foes.

For this plan to work, you want the quality smoke, you know, thick, luscious, oleaginous, billowing and colorful and perhaps even interesting in its own right. On that front, this "ternary-computation" smoke is pretty brilliant stuff.

Remembering back all the nights I hovered over electronics, soldering, breathing all those fumes, blown capacitors with nasty smoke billowing into a small apartment. You know you got a heavy dose of all kinds of nasty compounds when you can tell what kind of component blew by the smell only.

Iraq "At the height of the summer, as talk of invading Iraq built in Washington like a dark, billowing storm, the US armed forces staged a rehearsal using over 13,000 troops, countless computers and $250m. Officially, America won and a rogue state was liberated from an evil dictator.

But of course anyone who's seen snow billowing off the back of a car knows that air doesn't just close up behind the object like a ziplock bag: it's messy and turbulent and gets all over your windows while you're tailgating.

/b/ is the only one whose influence leaks out of 4chan itself, like rainbow-colored smog billowing out of a dilapidated smokestack. The article isn't like an encyclopedia entry on Asia mentioning only China; it's like a little kid opening a package of Starbursts and eating only the pink ones.

Having pets, they sure do make you pay for any bit of messed up carpet, so as long as it's not leaking through the floors / into the hallways / billowing out the windows, why not give people the choice to pay for what they're messing up instead of outright banning it?

Billowing definitions


characterized by great swelling waves or surges; "billowy storm clouds"; "the restless billowing sea"; "surging waves"

See also: billowy surging