Bibliophile in a sentence as a noun

Not impressive to a bibliophile, but more than most people.

+1 If you're a bibliophile I do recommend stopping by their store in LV. I discovered it by accident but its quite a treat.

Definitely worth visiting, whether you're a bibliophile, or not.

If you are a bibliophile and want to see the rare book offering on the 5th and 6th floors you can do so by simply making an appointment ahead of time.

The website might have things like goodreads/other bibliophile sites integration for reviews/social aspect?

I'm a bibliophile, and live surrounded by books since childhood, but now read almost exclusively my kindle and my reading behaviours have changed, and not entirely for the better.

I studied mathematics in university but have always been an autodidact and something of a bibliophile, and I can say that most of the recommendations made here are the one's I would make as well.

Even though I enjoy having them displayed on shelves I've noticed lately that this may be the numeric point where being a bibliophile becomes painful; it's beginning to hurt my goals surrounding simplifying my ownership of dead tree pulp.

Libraries and bookstores are some of the few holdouts of the bibliophile, and remain the best place to get recommendations or spend a quiet evening immersed in a novel - even if Amazon could somehow fulfill each of the numerous services of a modern library, the idea of losing such a wonderful refuge to corporate uniformity is abhorrent.

Bibliophile definitions


someone who loves (and usually collects) books

See also: booklover