Bibliography in a sentence as a noun

Also, a "this paper cites..." feature so that I don't have to bother digging out the doi numbers from the bibliography myself.

The Griesinger link discusses this with illustrations, and provides a bibliography.

Thousands of bibliography styles, document styles, fonts in multiple formats, as well as basically every macro package ever written.

If you want to help the reader as little as possible, imitate Krantz's hypothetical example of a minimalistic bibliography entry: ``Machedon, 1988.

The third edition added a lot of information on recent techniques but at the expense of reading too much like an annotated bibliography, skating from topic to topic while rarely going into enough detail to be useful and often listing several alternative solutions to a given problem without comparing their relative merits and trade-offs.

Bibliography definitions


a list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.)