Biased in a sentence as an adjective

I would argue the exo-planets we have found so far are a very biased sample.

[1] Full disclosure, by some odd coincidence she happens to be my sister and also did the industrial design for Lockitron so I am wayy biased here.

There's no other way to balance competing demands; if you keep only part of the information in your head, your decision will be biased towards the part that you've loaded into your brain.

I expect the current masking of comments will provide less biased voting, so I think displaying comment scores on stories that are more than two months old would eventually provide the best of both worlds.

You can answer that question by giving a list of comparative advantages without being necessarily biased or inflammatory.

Their research demonstrates that both women subscribers and female avatar characters operated by male subscribers in EVE are biased toward a slightly lower chance of success in competition with their male counterparts.

It's hard to write this, and my opinion is probably biased because of it, but this article is nothing but a giant load of ********** and is a carefully constructed as "feel good" to reinforce the preconceived notions the author had going into it.

People who have different upbringings in different geographic areas are of course going to be biased towards certain views, and it's a bit unfair to chastise them for not completely realigning their viewpoints overnight for something that has probably been the fastest and most productive civil rights movement, maybe ever.

I'd point out that Page and Brin predicted the course of their own search engine, and perhaps their own company, in 1998:“The goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users.”“We expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.”“Advertising income often provides an incentive to provide poor quality search results.”"Since it is very difficult even for experts to evaluate search engines, search engine bias is particularly insidious.

Biased definitions


favoring one person or side over another; "a biased account of the trial"; "a decision that was partial to the defendant"

See also: colored coloured one-sided slanted