Beverage in a sentence as a noun

Taking one beverage to drink while riding the shuttle home?

Both would be better off with switching more of their beverage consumption to tap water.

If their beverage situation has been upgraded since my last visit, they're doing well.

My grandpa designed the bottom of modern beverage cans.

That was 'theft' in the sense that the intention was for the beverages to be enjoyed at work not at home, even if you were working from home.

So for example when I worked at Google the mini-kitchens all had refrigerators that were full of beverages.

Have you ever given someone a gift of food or beverage as a way of saying thank you for a financially meaningful favor?

I wouldn't propose a new alcoholic beverage, because, again, no domain expertise.

Drink snobbery, whether relating to coffee, beer, wine, or [insert beverage here], has always seemed like confirmation bias in action.

An example of that which was given was an employee that prior to the weekend, would take an empty back pack and fill it with anywhere from 20 to 50 beverages to take home.

That was a little different they filed the TM in the wrong category and I claimed defense of "descriptive use" how else would a blood themed beverage be described?However, the Candy Crush Saga creators are even further behind the 8-ball on the TM "Candy" vis-a-vis video games.

You'll meet young men and women in the prime of their lives who spend their entire day in a coffee shop and later a bar, sipping a beverage discussing art, culture, poetry, how business - all business exploits the proletariat, and how government owes them even more than the roughly $25K per year they get for doing nothing.

Beverage definitions


any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"

See also: drink drinkable potable