Betterment in a sentence as a noun

For its disservice to the betterment of our profession.

In real life, this trait can be disastrous towards making any progress for the betterment of society.

He's been a staunch and consistent advocate for the overall betterment of humanity.

As professional organizations, their primary goal is to support their members and the betterment of the field.

We'll have billions of souls struggling to find food and shelter instead of contributing their unique gifts to the betterment of humanity.

Copyright was initially supposed to bring betterment to society, not even more wealth to successful artists.

"If we want computing to be a friendly and welcoming field and contribute to the betterment of humanity, we can't tolerate people who behave like this in public.

The OP clearly indicates near the bottom of the post that it's not about working for the betterment of humanity, but about work he personally finds fulfilling.

I don't know really, just because, you know, it might be nice to acknowledge the achievements of a man who dedicated his life to science, engineering and the betterment of society in general.

It's human that harm done to you or a close person is hard to forgive, but societies goals differ from the goals of the individual: The individuals goal is revenge, the societies goal is to keep the crime rate low. Part of that is betterment of offenders since it keeps the rate of recidivism lower, thus creates less future victims.

And yes, this may mean it would circumvent that country's regulations: but even if you think the US government is doing things for the betterment of its population, I can guarantee you that's not the case everywhere else.

The single guiding equation for all deals and transactions is "how can we make as much money as possible with as little risk as possible and also stay out of jail".That wall street occasionally invests in companies that actually do create wealth and allocate capital to the betterment of society is more a case of broken clock sometimes being right.

Betterment definitions


a change for the better; progress in development

See also: improvement advance


an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility


the act of relieving ills and changing for the better

See also: amelioration melioration