Betrayer in a sentence as a noun

Got snitched by a betrayer. This should not happen.

Also, it really sucks if the newcomer is the betrayer.

A betrayal of trust should be blamed on the betrayer, not the betrayed. Is there room for learning better who to trust?

That's from the other Twitter history by Nick Bilton but both agree as to the nature of "coach" as betrayer.

Congrats, you're the betrayer in the prisoner's dilemma. Your train stops at the tragedy of the commons.

I've read many times, he is a betrayer and just wants make money at the SpaceX IPO. I know you didn't state this and maybe its actually true. But I don't believe it.

If you are a vital symbol for the cause, then all that you do must conform to the symbol or you become a betrayer, a hypocrite, or both. And that is unforgivable.

You are guaranteed that some party is going to be a betrayer. A criminal and an innocent person aren't even playing the same game stakes-wise.

IRV fails the favorite betrayer condition and isn't monotonic.

Sometimes outcomes are biased really strongly in favor for or against the "betrayer". I don't think that's a flaw, I believe it's more intended than not, but it is something to be aware of so that players have good expectations.

Many will come to a single conclusion on who is the betrayer and who morally deserves ownership. When a person thoughtlessly steals his best friends girlfriend, what do you think the majority consensus will be?

If I love someone today and tomorrow they turn out to be a betrayer, I will be hurt but knowing humans are complex, I shouldn't be too surprised and change my views about that person instead of living in denial.

Both are co-op but both have a mechanic where it’s possible one of the players is actually a betrayer out to defeat the others. My problem with pure co-op, especially pandemic, is that what usually happens is one player ends up doing most of the actual “playing” and the others just provide a few suggestions here and there. Both MoM and DoW limit the things you are allowed to share with the other players too, which makes this happen less often, and in DoW every player has a unique hidden agenda in addition to the group goal - which gets fun if they do something weird because you have to work out if they are a betrayer or just have a weird agenda.

Betrayer definitions


one who reveals confidential information in return for money

See also: informer squealer blabber


a person who says one thing and does another

See also: double-crosser double-dealer two-timer traitor