Bespeckle in a sentence as a verb

Be careful not to fall down into one of the sex slave pits that bespeckle western civilization.

>See bespeckled gentleman apparently leering grotesquely at the attractive woman. >Realize he has Google Glasses on.

However, if you've got a multi-million base pair chain of the stuff, wrapped up in chromatin, and bespeckled with all manner of useful-looking biochemical doohickeys attached to it, I'm willing to say that's definitely indicative of life. Is that a "chemical"?

Currently, the solution is to have myriad toolbars and icons bespeckle the window frame, which can be distracting and confusing, and all together take up some valuable laptop screen real estate.

Bespeckle definitions


mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots"

See also: speckle