Besmirch in a sentence as a verb

****, you can't even be bothered to explain how it's wrong, you're just doing the "don't you dare besmirch their good name".

I don't use those phrases to besmirch anyone but what is inherently more "right" about those things?

As a result, Smith is asking us to besmirch the act of remembrance of soldiers who have fought in these conflicts.

Sadly, I think this may be more of a virtualbox issue than a vagrant issue so I don't want to besmirch the work of Mitch, et al. I would not want to develop most apps without vagrant!

I just wish the developers could have gone about the project in a manner that would not besmirch the project with copyright concerns.

Not to besmirch your AS coding abilities, nor to reopen old wounds, but the dev in me is begging some questions and debugging your comment.

I wouldn't besmirch anyone trying to pick up a new language, but I am curious to hear if there were any technical reasons for going with something else.

That said, it's ironic to me the content of his speech, celebrating a selfless engineer, after he tried to besmirch Woz, who is perhaps the patron saint of engineers

What are you getting at?Stephen Behnke has a PhD and a JD, and he used this amazing education to enable and excuse torture and torturers, and to be besmirch America.

I'm not denying that such an image could possibly besmirch the name of a photographer, I'm just denying that it could have such the reach that it would require such destructive terms as exclusive copyright.

It's unsurprising that the "SEO" industry is taking gender equality seriously: They obviously wouldn't want to besmirch their reputation for ethical conduct.

I wonder whether my classes and books were somehow deficient, perhaps as they were written and taught by the victors, the same sort of people who benefited from these Colonial Opportunists, and may thus be unwilling to besmirch their hallowed reputations...

Godwin's Law is designed to deter inappropriate comparisons to fascism/Nazism so as not to weaken or otherwise besmirch appropriate comparisons to fascism/Nazism.

So what if he missed or misinterpreted a few finer points?I guess that's why Zed Shaw comment threads end in flame wars on HN - half of the people are pissed at what they view as attempts to besmirch their teacher, and the other half are watching the first half get up in arms about what's essentially a code review and thinking "Jesus, you must be shitty programmers because of how personally you're taking this".Just my opinion.

Besmirch definitions


charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"

See also: defame slander smirch asperse denigrate calumniate smear sully


smear so as to make dirty or stained

See also: smirch