Berm in a sentence as a noun

Yes, he would tie it down and create a kind of berm along its length.

All three levels are bermed, with a cinder block wall.

The water crept to the top of the massive berm that holds back the lake and then spilled over.

I shoot projectile weapons into an earthen berm.

Nothing inflames the male urge to nail the throttle like a hairpin turn or dangerous looking street "berm".

Since I had to take my eyes off the road to text this way, I caught myself swerving towards the center line, or the berm, etc., multiple times.

I suppose that such material would make excellent berm material when constructing levees.

With the plough, we'd typically go through the gravel berm along the road and you'd have a hard time telling that it had just buried the cable even if you were looking for it!

I think it was a geographic limitation because the two buildings were separated by a 20-foot-tall earthen berm, to protect the admin building in case the lab building blew up.

These downhill mountain bikers were mimicking the berm-riding, rooster-tail-shooting cornering of dirtbikes.

How many campuses have you seen, that are covered in that much concrete?While greenery is great, I'd rather be able to walk to a proper park than have it in the form of a glorified berm between parking lots.

If you maintain the climate in your house with geothermal energy or using different building techniques such as earth berm which maintain the internal climate of your property naturally, you just need to supplement via some other means rather than drive all the heating and cooling via high energy devices.

Berm definitions


a narrow ledge or shelf typically at the top or bottom of a slope


a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road; "the car pulled off onto the shoulder"

See also: shoulder