Berate in a sentence as a verb

Let's berate the OP for being intimidated by a topic and then diving in and learning it on their own.

I think you're just talking about arrogant people in general who think that because they know X, they can berate those who don't know X.

Let's not produce more abusive bosses who, when their "brilliant strategy" doesn't work, just think they have to berate their employees harder.

And so now with Swartz's death, people have a human face to put on the failures of our justice system...and you want to berate them for not being strategic enough?

I'm not trying to berate people who drop out of college for these reasons, but it's an important factor to keep in mind when truly analyzing their success.

"I think I speak for a lot of people on HN when I ask that you not berate one of the more uniquely valuable contributors to HN for writing "walls of text".

In this case we did actually get paid, but... the guy was a complete f'ing lunatic. He would berate and insult his employees, sexually harass women, and we come to find out that he'd been sued multiple times by previous partners.

It's always nice to see UI/UX people respond to user input and admit when they are wrong, rather than berate their users for not understanding the product.

Graham allows the dumbest people on the Internet to come onto this site to berate startups he all but begged people to create, but hellbanned a guy who pooped out a better version of HN in his spare time, for nothing.

So the only time I would berate a pitcher or get on a pitcher would be when I felt like they were pitching scared on the mound and that they were trying to avoid contact because they were afraid of what was going to happen.

This simplistic 'snap out of it' ideology belies and belittles the very real issues of fear, discouragement and depression that underly much of what people berate themselves over as 'laziness'.

Berate definitions


censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"

See also: rebuke trounce reproof lecture reprimand scold chide