Benzedrine in a sentence as a noun

Even the benzedrine addict lived to be 66.

Laws controlling benzedrine were mostly in place by WW2 and opium laws back in the 1920s.

Meth showed up as the very similar black market substitute when benzedrine was made prescription only.

If we re-legalized dexedrine or benzedrine over the counter, the trouble would mostly go away.

Sorry, my text was ambiguous, Erdos generally used methylphenidate and/or benzedrine.

Erdös started taking benzedrine in 1971, long after he had become one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time with ~40 years of work behind him. I suspect he was productive in spite of the speed, as someone that brilliant with that many years of learning in their head would still be incredibly brilliant impaired.

Benzedrine definitions


a form of amphetamine

See also: Benzedrine bennie