Bendable in a sentence as an adjective

Actually, a functioning bendable phone sounds like a good thing to me. Less likely to break if dropped.

Its a bendable "rule" and Apple are willing to bend it in order to make gradual transition.

On the other hand, I wouldn't want to spend several hundred dollars on a bendable phone, regardless if it still works.

Wait, this device is literally flexible as in bendable like paper?

And the first oled prototypes shown some 7years ago were already extremely bendable.

What if CCP believes that opposing views are false and harmful?Especially the "harmful" part is bendable beyond belief.

The technology exists to make thin, translucent, bendable screens -- so in theory, you could have a smart "bracelet" that is entirely a screen.

The Haskell syntax is rather bendable, but that's because you can do almost everything with the basic tools of operators and function calls.

Money is a tool, and it makes sense to have the tool be bendable to public needs, not dogmatically hard-coded into economic rictus.

There are lots of small companies out there who would love a responsible, experienced-in-life adult as a part time junior coder, and very frequently the "needs" on the job add are bendable.

Though--I would add--not because as many regurgitated articles suggest because Aluminum is a "soft, bendable metal" or because the heat in one's pocket softens the metal.

Bendable definitions


capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking; "a flexible wire"; "a pliant young tree"

See also: pliable pliant waxy