Bench in a sentence as a noun

Who gives a **** about being able to bench press all you can bench press? It sounds like macho ******** to me.

It is essentially a bench warrant for your arrest. I have had this happen to me.

But I go there, I wait in line for 30 minutes, get crammed in on a bench with 5 strangers, and get served a steak sandwich that's too tough to chew. What's up with that?

What I did have a problem with is the line of men sitting on one bench facing the hoopers and gawking at them. It looked like something out of a strip club.

] What I did have a problem with is the line of men sitting on one bench facing the hoopers and gawking at them. It looked like something out of a strip club.

I scraped the unused flour off the work bench and dumped it back in the sourdough starter to save on cost. Lentils are the most complete non-meat protein source.

This is a comment on a blog article, not an attempt to engineer the perfect benchmark. Also in this bench Go danced circles around node.

He demonstrated on me and made me do 25 reps of low weight bench press. At around 20 reps I couldn't do any more but helped me barely finish the remaining 5.

Sliding door opens into a space with bench and toilet under bench. Blackout curtains between driver cabin and rear area.

Bench in a sentence as a verb

A non-parent man sitting at a playground bench and reading his paper is very, very likely to get the cops called on him, even though he's on public property. Is this right?

Be motivated by the good feeling you get post workout everyday, not because you want to lose 10lbs or bench 200... Don't weight yourself, don't set a "goal".

These are not 9 people picked off the street and thrown on the bench to judge what the application of law is, and they don't mess around. Reading pretty much any Supreme Court decision will show you how intelligent these nine justices are.

Although there's nothing quite like just sitting on a worn stone bench alone in a cathedral, just the chill air around you. It often makes me wish for a non-religious religion -- just a refuge of tranquility.

The system of publishing a bench opinion, a slip opinion, and a final published opinion reflects these conflicting needs.

Granted, in-silico experiments are often used to guide future benchwork... but I would have liked to see some preliminary wet-bench tests.

An older gentleman on a bench beckoned to me to join him. We chatted about the amazing implications of nanotechnology to change everything about human life.

Which is modern GUI candy, easy configuration, availability of packages, stuff like refactoring, bench marking, auto complete and Intellisense easily available out of the box. Along with evolution with modern needs and demands.

The thing is, lab benches are expensive, outlandishly expensive in many cases, so you'll have to earn your spot at that lab bench by outcompeting whoever else might want it. The net result is that, yes, with a modicum of talent you can probably always be an unpaid research assistant, but the practical difference between that and a full-time career in research is just a few thousand dollars in salary.

Bench definitions


a long seat for more than one person


a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)

See also: terrace


persons who administer justice

See also: judiciary


a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic

See also: workbench


the magistrate or judge or judges sitting in court in judicial capacity to compose the court collectively

See also: Bench


the reserve players on a team; "our team has a strong bench"


(law) the seat for judges in a courtroom


take out of a game; of players


exhibit on a bench; "bench the poodles at the dog show"