Belittle in a sentence as a verb

To quote Mark Twain: "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.

The great HN community suddenly belittles those who want to protect privacy?

If you want to belittle the astounding accomplishments of the Mailbox team, at least don't pick something like TechCrunch to do it over.

It is a pathetic cowardly throw away dismissal, which is designed to belittle those taking some action, in this case, to protect privacy.

Minecraft is much more than that, it has redstone circuits, farming, mobs, structures, biomes, potion brewing, netherworld, fire, etc...\nMind you, I don't want to belittle anyone's efforts.

But to belittle people for the choices they make, or to segregate ourselves into voluntary language-ghettos we are compelled to stay in by the force of public opinion...that goes against the spirit of what people like Armstrong worked hard to build.

Page 13, Kramer says:> Not to belittle the signifigance of these events, but you do realize that this means a whole slew of "anti terrorist" and probably "anti violence" laws will be passed through congress.> Any "anti terrorist" laws will be given almost a blank check to do what is necessary.

Belittle definitions


cause to seem less serious; play down; "Don't belittle his influence"

See also: minimize denigrate derogate


express a negative opinion of; "She disparaged her student's efforts"

See also: disparage


lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; "don't belittle your colleagues"

See also: diminish