Belching in a sentence as a noun

Not that I know of, but it'd be awesome to have a word for joyous belching...

People welcomed the newfangled gas belching cars and hailed them as the clean wave of the future.

The science behind the funny and the awkwardness of farting or belching.

It flies past with a smoke generator belching out smoke, leaving a rough trail behind it that churns and deforms.

Nor do you go around tackling people, or belching the star spangled banner, or peeing in the water fountain.

They thought I was one of those fire-belching dragons they had heard so much about from knights and other professional liars.

If you want yo express your identity by farting, belching and touching your groin every five minutes, I'm fine with that.

Even your example of belching on top of "Yesterday", while not palatable to most people, perhaps, is still definitely art.

The problem with people like you who have this Pavlovian conditioning of belching out "correlation != causation!!!!

"Instead of having a million lawn mowers each belching out pollution, you use electric mowers and have all the filth at the power plant, where it can be cleaned and scrubbed better.

Whether we have 10 or 150 years before an oil-powered economy becomes unsustainable, it's not good for the planet to be belching all that carbon into the atmosphere.

Especially when you consider that during the build the workstation is belching hot air and screaming like an airplane about to take off while M1 is whisper-quiet with barely warm air coming from its exhaust.

> The friction around "running Mesos" has mostly been the friction of the air from exhalatoins of joy buffeting our esophagi...Is there some common phrase relating belching and being happy that I haven't heard?

If the image I conjure is a bunch of guys standing around the tailgate of a pick-up truck drinking beer, eating pizza, belching, and talking about their colorwork and cast-on techniques, I'm going to feel uncomfortable.

Our trains are expensive and slow, air travel is expensive and inconvenient with terrible service, and automotive travel has the obvious problems of scaling abysmally and belching greenhouse gases.

You sound like a real jerkoff if you're attacking the "family" farm, but if you use the word "industrial", you conjure images of smokestacks belching pollution and fat white guys in suits lighting Cubans with the money they stole from the pocket of the janitor.

So what basis do we have for saying that effective ads benefit users, except as a way of funding the service by extracting payment from users' attention budgets instead of from their bank accounts?At one time, people loved seeing smokestacks belching smoke because that meant prosperity, jobs, and abundance.

Belching definitions


the forceful expulsion of something from inside; "the belching of smoke from factory chimneys"


a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth

See also: belch burp burping eructation