Belatedly in a sentence as an adverb

Edit: i just emailed him to belatedly ask permission to quote him, maybe he will chime in here.

The belatedly-destroyed documents might be utterly harmless, but that might not matter.

Glad to see she has belatedly grown a sense of moral indignation about overreach by intelligence agencies.

The whole mess was slow and sucked, and the client belatedly realized that MongoDB was a shitty choice for what they needed, which could have been handled by Postgres without breaking a sweat.

When Sega belatedly realized that 3D was the next big thing, they stapled on an extra CPU to give it enough power to handle 3D...but neglected to up the RAM or the CPU bandwidth.

"And at the same time, the company does seem to be fighting, if slightly belatedly, for increased protections from surveillance and personal data disclosure.

Around mid-month, three big things happen: they have to report their next-quarter results, the first reporting after they belatedly recharacterized a profit as a loss.

Well, at least people are belatedly realizing this, even if the government had to be the boogeyman that hackers/Facebook/Google/malicious ISPs/Mallory were not.

Second, my understanding is Dwolla belatedly discovered the value of chargebacks, which bit the Bitcoiners because of all the obvious reasons.

I'm not sure how you're getting "object-oriented programming" from this article, except that it was mentioned in passing as an example of a paradigm that belatedly entered mainstream software engineering.

Belatedly definitions


later than usual or than expected; "the train arrived late"; "we awoke late"; "the children came late to school"; "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline"; "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"

See also: late tardily