Bedded in a sentence as an adjective

You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from.

The posts were bedded in cement with sturdy chain-link fencing.

They're bedded in gravel, wouldn't take much to bottom out on the tracks.

The goal must be deeply bedded in reality.

Cos you haven’t lived until you’ve bedded a deluded 15 year old?

Our process can take up to 1-2 months before people have full systems access and everything bedded down.

Well, let's hope that legislators drag their feet on this, until good practices have been bedded down for them to codify.

Young girls lie bedded soft or glide in their dreams, with rings and trousseaux, bridesmaided by glow-worms down the aisles of the organplaying wood.

Was slightly dubious at first and thought I'd fallen for the mechnical keyboard meme, but no regrets now the keys have bedded in properly.

I feel like doing the project in Lagos is going to confuse people but when you put the final gear bedded into concrete that sort of gets the point across

Nixon was a war criminal, J. Edgar Hoover was psychotic criminal at best, JFK tried to set records for the number of women he bedded and had the FBI and secret service cruise chicks for him.

An apartment I rented had large trees at the street containing easily several thousand in a dozen trees where they bedded-down for the night.

Christianity is a religion that has had philosophy and interpretation bedded in from the off.

Bedded definitions


deposited or arranged in horizontal layers; "stratified rock"

See also: stratified


having a bed or beds as specified