Bedazzle in a sentence as a verb

I figured it was just, y'know, parody of bedazzle.

Yes but is the aim here not to bedazzle a star struck audience, rather than properly educate?

Clearly the people had nothing to say so they decided to bedazzle the **** out of their sites in the hopes that no one noticed.

Don't let the tiny exceptions buried in an overwhelmingly large pile of common cases bedazzle you too much.

Several years ago when I was in high school I came across pg's essays and was bedazzled by it, and wanted to write articles like that of my own.

The only function of the gold iPhone is to be hard to get, if it were common as mud, it'd be seen as the bedazzled tacky fashion-gadget **** it is.

Ok, two year project manager here:wow, just wow... this article strikes me as being written by a very insecure person, trying to bedazzle his/her 'underlings' with 'authority'>> 1. They act like you're not there Oh my... pay attention to me!

Some history:I'm somewhat bedazzled by Reddit's /r/personalfinance group.

Plus, the people who are attracted to this type of thing work in industries where others are bedazzled by credentialism, like academia and government.

If that amount of time doesn't bedazzle you, then imagine that each person in the past could have taken different actions, leading to a tree of different possible realities.

Haha ... I totally understand that GP didn't mean it this way. But there is something really funny about that statement, as if walking around with a bedazzled face won't make it easy to just say, "the person with the bedazzled face" to describe a very specific person :P

Also, if you find yourself running a simplistic "pattern match" head-daemon eagerly looking for opportunities to bedazzle the newb with your wonderful, superior, and different way of doing things, just stop.

Because consumer apps bedazzle VCs who in turn bedazzle Wall Street which uses them to bedazzle institutional investors who need unrealistic growth projections to pay for unsustainable pension promises.

Bedazzle definitions


to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light; "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"

See also: dazzle daze