Bearded in a sentence as an adjective

If it is, then why shouldn't your mixed-race, bearded friend be searched more?

> I don't have to actually type commands into a command prompt like some bearded guy from the '70sReally?

I wonder much success an overweight, typically bearded engineer would have with the same cold emails?

As any RMS-style self-proclaimed bearded prophet/politician/priest/father-figure knows, it's never been about making things but about gaining followers.

"-- all this fluff about sockless bearded russians, and apartments with track lighting but they left out the most important part?BTW.. does track lighting in apartments state some level of wealth that I'm unaware of?

Unconstrained by the diktats of The Man, neck-bearded GNU hippies would unleash innumerable window managers and desktop managers showcasing a dizzying number and kind of user interface enhancements.

* There's a legitimate audience of visual artists, musicians or just tinkerers who, as outrageous as might sound to us, long-bearded bit twiddlers, find learning anything other than Python either hopelessly complicated or just not refreshing enough.

"... as a Python programmer, I was the member of an elite cabal of superhuman ultranerds, smarter than those childish Rails/JavaScript/PHP/whatever developers that couldnt write a bubble sort or comprehend even basic algorithmic complexity, but more in touch with reality than the grey-bearded wizards of Lisp/Haskell/whatever that sat in their caves/towers/whatever solving contrived, nonexistent problems for people that dont exist, or those insane Erlang programmers who are content writing sumerian cuneiform all day long.

Bearded definitions


having hair on the cheeks and chin

See also: barbate bewhiskered whiskered whiskery


having a growth of hairlike awns; "bearded wheatgrass"